
If you're experiencing issues with ThemeMaker®, please read the FAQs below, the answer to your question may be in there. Please note that there is no email support for ThemeMaker®. Read the Terms & Conditions before using ThemeMaker®.


What is ThemeMaker®?

ThemeMaker® is a free online tool that enables users to create custom PowerPoint themes. You can create a description the theme you want to create, and ThemeMaker® will help you select fonts and colors and then generate a PowerPoint theme file for you to download together with the fonts you selected.

Why is this better than creating a theme in PowerPoint?

Creating a theme in PowerPoint is a bit of a hassle. You have to select the fonts and download them from somewhere, make sure they fit together. You need to create a colour palette which is aesthetically pleasing. And you need to set all kinds of preferences to create defaults for your slide master. ThemeMaker® does all of this for you automatically. Also, as a bonus, ThemeMaker® uses a unique, carefully crafted master template to give you a head start creating beautiful presentations.

How does it work?

ThemeMaker® uses AI to select fonts and create a Powerpoint theme based on your description. In three simple steps you'll be able to generate a font pairing, a colour palette and add preferences. After that, ThemeMaker® will generate a PowerPoint theme file and a ZIP package with your fonts for you to download.

What does this 'Surprise me' button do?

The 'Surprise me' button will generate a random theme description for you. You can use it for inspiration or as an example for your own description.

What if I don't like the theme or the colours?

If you don't like the theme or the colours suggested, you can always try again with a new description.

How can I include my brand colours?

Currently you can set one fixed colour in the theme file. This colour will be set to the first accent colour of the theme. The AI engine will try to match other colours in the palette to your preferred colour.

Can I adjust the theme after it's generated?

No, you cannot adjust the theme after it is generated. You can only download the theme and use it in PowerPoint. There, you can adjust the fonts, colours and preferences if you like. You can also create a new theme based on the one you've downloaded.

Are the downloaded fonts free to use?

All fonts offered by ThemeMaker® are from the open source Google Fonts library. The majority of open source fonts use the SIL Open Font License. This license is very permissive and allows you to use the fonts in commercial and non-commercial projects. Powerpoint to the People is not responsible and doesn't take any liability for the fonts you use. Check out our Terms & Conditions and the Google Fonts website for more information.

What if I don't like the fonts?

The fonts are selected by AI, so you can't choose them yourself. All fonts come from the Google Fonts library. If you're looking for something specific, you can try going to Google Fonts and search for the font you like. If you mention the font in your description while creating a theme, ThemeMaker® will try to select it for you.

Can I use the same font for both headings and body text?

Yes, you can use the same font for both headings and body text. Just mention it in your description while creating a theme.

Can I include a logo in the theme?

No, that is currently not possible. The custom template has designated placeholders for your logo, which are marked with the word 'logo'. You can insert your logo in the master template in PowerPoint and adjust to your liking.

Top tip! Make sure you have a couple of versions of your logo at hand in svg or png format with a transparent background. When possible also have a version in a single colour like white or a dark brand colour. Having this handy will speed up your workflow and make your presentation look aestetically pleasing. Same goes for logos of clients you may want to add in your presentation.

Help! Why won't my files download?

ThemeMaker® lets you download multiple files at once. Your browser may prevent this initially because of a potential security measure to prevent malware. If you see a warning, just click 'Allow' or 'Allow multiple files' and the files should start downloading.

Why are preferences not set correctly for text boxes?

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of PowerPoint. The preferences are applied to all master slides and the placeholder objects, so a workaround is to work from the master slides only (which is a good practice btw). The theme file contains also shapes that can be used as textboxes. You can copy the settings from the shapes to the textboxes via the 'Format pane' in PowerPoint if you insist using the text box tool in PowerPoint.

I can't unpack the ZIP file. Why is that?

Hmmm.. yes. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes ThemeMaker® isn't able to find the right fonts.We're working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience, you should probably try again.

When I double click the theme file, it doesn't open. Why is that?

You can try to import the theme in Powerpoint manually, but it's a bit of a hassle. You need to launch Powerpoint like you would normally do, then go to the 'Design' tab. By clicking on the little down arrow in the 'Theme' section, you can select the 'Browse for themes...' option. Select the thmx file you downloaded and try to import by selecting it and clicking the 'Apply' button. If that doesn't work, you probably need to create a new theme with ThemeMaker®.

How can I use the theme in an existing presentation?

Just follow the steps and create a new theme. After your presentation has been opened in PowerPoint, go to your existing presentation and copy the slides. Paste the slides in the empty presentation created by ThemeMaker®, make sure you select 'Use Destination Theme' after pasting the slides, this will ensure that the theme is applied to the new slides. You might need to do some adjustments, if your presentation has custom made elements. Check out the Tips & Tricks page to help you out.

Will my theme work on Google Slides?

Yes, your theme will work on Google Slides. In Google Slides, go to Change Theme > Import Theme and upload the .thmx file you downloaded. Any fonts downloaded with ThemeMaker® will automatically work on Google Slides, so you can safely ignore those.

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